Nutrition plays a very crucial part in everyone’s life and so as with sportsman- which affects them in many ways. Fore mostly, nutrition helps in achieving and maintaining health. Optimal nutrition can reduce fatigue, allowing a sportsman to train and compete longer or recover faster between training sessions To understand and apply the principles of sport nutrition, some basic understanding of nutrition is necessary. The purpose of the study was to assess the nutrition knowledge of the adolescent’s female volleyball players about general sports nutrition. The sample consists of 128 Players from all over India. Height and weight were recorded and BMI (body mass index) was calculated. The mean age of the female footballers was 14.6+1.5 years. Height and Weight was recorded and BMI (Body mass index) calculated. The mean height and weight of the subjects were 159.9 ±7.3 cm and 49.9 ±8.1 kg respectively. The Mean BMI (Body Mass Index) was 19.48+2.65 Kg/m2. The result indicated that maximum number of players fall under Poor Knowledge score (0-20 %) which shows they had less knowledge of the component of Nutrients, Fluids and Recovery. It was concluded from the study that proper nutrition knowledge and intervention of that knowledge is crucial to maintain the health of the budding talents in sports.