Aim and background: Complicated crown-root fractures constitute a major share of all dental injuries, most commonly affecting the maxillary anterior teeth. Managing discomfort and restoring function and appearance as soon as possible are the major goals of treating such complex crown fractures. When the broken segments are very close, endodontic therapy followed by reattaching the fractured segment using fibre post reinforcement is an appropriate solution. This procedure offers outstanding aesthetics since it keeps the teeth's original contacts, contour, translucency, alignment, surface texture, and location.
Case report: A 27-year-old male reported to the clinic immediately following a road traffic accident. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed a complicated oblique fracture that was extending subgingivally in the palatal aspect in relation to 21 and 22. It was decided to perform a single visit root canal treatment followed by reattachment of the fractured segment using fiber-reinforced post. A midline diastema was noted following the attachment of the fractured segment which was corrected using direct composite resin restoration.
Conclusion: The presented case demonstrates conservative management of complicated crown root fracture involving 21 and 22 by reattachment using fiber-reinforced post followed by midline diastema correction using composite resin.