CNTs act as “future silicon’’ to bring down the costs of nano, semiconductor, memory devices and their fabrication facility. CNT Field effect transistors, diodes, logic gates, nano mechanical single electron transistor (SET) on off switches in nano sensors (which are faster and more energy efficient), CNT nano processor (central microprocessor) , CNT nano supercomputer in molecular computing are prominent applications among them. Also in nanotechnology CNT acts as promising material for CNT ICs, micro chips, NEMS in nano electronics and Non-volatile RAM memory devices. A novel modified AC method – VSA methodology (with KRS or NTFDS theory) was adopted in this present work for the preparation of CNTs from natural organics i.e., GR (1 mm) graphite rods (under specialized materials category). Structural, Compositional, Surface Morphological and Nano structural Characterizations were carried out on harvested products. The effects of optimizations parameters like pH of the various dipping solutions (acidic, basic and neutral), volume of dipping solutions, various types and parts of the materials, various dipping timings, number of annealing and dipping, various annealing temperature, various time of annealing and various dipping solution temperatures on structural, compositional, surface morphological, nano-structural characterizations of materials and on high grade SWCNTs growth with high yield were studied intensively. Inferences from characterizations were derived. Correlation studies between these characterization inferences (such as grain size, purity) and above optimization parameters were carried out with a high light on yield of high grade SWCNTs. Beyond all of these, we have carried out a new feasibility study at first time, which comprises the possible usage of precursor organic carbon sources i.e., GR (1 mm) graphite rods (under specialized materials category) for high grade SWCNTs (with inner diameter approximately 1.6 Angstrom unit) with high yield via a low cost technique and methodology as value in commercial efforts.