This article makes some observations about Legal Education in India by locating it within a wider context of Legal Education reform that is taking place in various Law Schools across the world in the wake of globalization and impact of globalization induced changes in the nature and needs of Legal Profession as a result reflecting the same in Legal Education. For being both intellectually challenging and professionally relevant, legal education should be more responsible than ever before to the Legal needs of the community National as well as International, and the learning needs of students to become professionally competent to play their role in an increasingly demanding Transnationalized Legal service market. Any effort to restructure and reorient legal education to attain these goals will be an uphill task for any Law School in India.
This article begins with exploring the implications of globalization for Legal education and then turns to nature, aims and objectives of Legal Education. The article then looks at the possible changes required to be made in the existing curriculum for undergraduate Law students in order to make the Legal education more relevant and meaningful for its consumers. The focus then shifts to issues concerning methods of teaching, clinical experience and assessment of students. This article then considers issues arising from the proposal of the Bar Council of India to reduce or retain the period of Masters Programme and then builds a strong case for strengthening a research tradition in Law Schools. The article discusses Whether M.Phil in Law is mandatory requirement or not. The focus then moves to measures that are necessary to attract and retain better faculty and also to the regulatory role of the Bar Council of India in the field of Legal Education. The article concludes with some reflections on the promise of a different vision of Legal Education.