Objective: To describe the technique of not holding skin of the umbilicus with Allis forceps or towel clip and making an incision well below the umbilicus while doing open laparoscopy and its advantages.
Methods: From 13th October 2015 to18th December 2019 for a period of 4 years and 1 month, open laparoscopy was done by a new technique of not holding skin of the umbilicus with Allis forceps or towel clip and making an incision well below the umbilicus while doing laparoscopic operations like laparoscopic appendectomy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Results: From 13th October 2015 to18th December 2019 for a period of 4 years and 1 month, while following the new technique of open laparoscopy of not holding skin of the umbilicus with Allis forceps or towel clip and making an incision well below the umbilicus while doing laparoscopic operations , no patient had umbilical skin necrosis or umbilical wound infection.
Conclusion: Hence the new technique of not holding skin of the umbilicus with Allis forceps or towel clip and making an incision well below the umbilicus while doing open laparoscopy is extremely useful since it avoids the complications of umbilical skin necrosis and umbilical wound infection.