The Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis) is a snow white bird, about 90 cm long distinguished by the bill colour and breeding plumage is found in Cattle egret that is clearly visible during breeding season. Breeding season of a bird species is a result of specific environmental adaptations. Incubation is done by both the parents alternatively. During parental care Cattle egret (Both Parents) collected their food from the vicinity and give to their young ones. They live collectively in the breeding colonies on trees and therefore they have no fear from other birds. Still they do not leave their nest for a long time. Adult were ever seen at the site and they were regularly seen foraging nearby fields. The young birds of the Cattle egret were able to move in the nest at the nest when 12 days old. They were able to fly well at 21 days and left the nest at the age of 45 day.