Introduction: Septoplasty is one of the most common nasal surgeries performed by ENT Surgeons. Following septal surgeries nasal packs are commonly inserted to support septal flap apposition, to control bleeding and to avoid complications in post surgical period. However it is a source of considerable patient discomfort like pain during pack removal, headache, sleep disturbances and complications like septal hematoma, synechiae and nasal crusting. There are many alternatives like through and through suturing of septal flaps, merocele pack and glove packing and each one has its own advantage and disadvantage.
Objective: To compare the post operative outcome of nasal splint with airway versus conventional gloved nasal pack in patients undergoing septoplasty.
Materials and Methods: Patients undergoing septoplasty under general anaesthesia during the course of study were be allocated into two groups as Groups A (Conventional gloved nasal pack) and Group B (septal splint with airway). Both nasal packs will be left in place for 24 hours. Postoperative morbidity in terms of pain, headache, epiphora, dysphagia and sleep disturbance along with postoperative complications including, septal deviation, septal hematoma, synechiae formation and crusting were assessed over a follow up period of four weeks.
Results: Patients on nasal splint with airway has less postoperative morbidity like minimal pain during pack removal, reduced symptoms like epiphora, headache, sleep disturbances and dysphagia compared to patients on conventional gloved nasal packing. No significant difference between the two groups was seen with respect to complications including septal hematoma, synechiae formation, crusting and septal deviation.
Conclusion: Septal splints with airway are effective alternative to conventional gloved nasal packing thus minimizing post operative discomfort of the patient.