Anomalies of the uterus may be congenital or acquired and typically present with abnormalities of the menstrual cycle, pelvic pain, infertility, or pregnancy complications such as primary amenorrohea, preterm labour, recurrent pregnancy loss or abnormal foetal presentation. The true incidence of congenital Mullerian anomalies, of which uterin malformations constitute the majority, is unknown. Prevalence of uterine anomalies ranging from 0.5% to 6% of women. In our case we analysed retrospectively that the endometrium present in the rudimentary mullerian band was responsive because of which the minimal, thickening on the band grew into the size of a normal uterus on giving estrogen therapy & this uterus was not having any connected fallopian tubes or ovaries. We tried to find out the ovaries as the ovaries has to be there though at the various ectopic sites but couldn’t get it on laparoscopy.