The study area is a part of Jhansi district, Uttar Pradesh, India. It covers an area of 136.52 km2. The drainage pattern of the watershed is delineated using Geo-coded FCC bands 2, 3, 4 of IRS 1D (LISS-III) on 1:50,000 scale and Survey of India toposheets. The morphometric parameters are computed using Arc GIS software. The drainage pattern of the study area is dendritic to sub-dendritic with stream orders ranging from I to IV orders. Drainage density ranges from 0 to 1.16 km/km2 suggesting coarse to moderate drainage texture. The change in values of stream length ratio indicates their late youth stage of geomorphic development. The lower orders of streams are mostly dominating the basin. The development of stream segments in the basin area is more or less affected by rainfall. The mean Rb of the entire basin is 3.89 which indicate that the drainage pattern is not much influenced by geological structures. Relief ratio indicates that the discharge capability of the watersheds is very high and the groundwater potential is stringy. Elongation ratio 0.95 indicates that the Barwa Tal watershed is a region-wide variety of climatic and geologic types. It is concluded that remote sensing and GIS have been proved to be effective tools for drainage delineation and mapping. In the present study, these updated drainages have been used for the morphometric analysis.