Aim and objective: We aimed to know the clear knowledge of the location of supra orbital foramina, notch which is essential for the clinician while performing endoscopic surgeries and regional nerve blocks.
Materials and method: The present study was done on 50 human adult skulls to observe the various combinations of supra orbital notch, foramen, incomplete foramen and absence of these features.
Result: 9 types of combinations were observed in adult skull amongst notch, foramen, incomplete foramen & absence of these features. The difference between incidences of foramen was Significant in adult skulls. Percentage of notch was higher in adult 34% than other features. Absences of all the features (notch, foramen and incomplete foramen) were not seen in adult skull but were observed. The mean value for supra orbital foramen/notch for 50 skulls on right side is 20.8mm and for the left side it is 19mm. ( i.e.) the distance between the nasion to right and left supra orbital foramen.
Conclusion: All features that is notch, foramen and incomplete foramen was present since 4th Lunar month of foetal age and its knowledge of exact location of supraorbital foramen and notch is important in performing invasive surgical procedures involving anaesthetic and therapeutic procedures.