Background: -Femur is the longest and strongest bone of human body providing attachment to powerful muscles for locomotion and maintenance of erect posture. Morphometric anatomical data of the lower end of femur and gender morphometric differences are very important to make design of prosthesis used for knee joint replacement and internal fixation Aim: Present study concentrates on morphometric analysis of distal end of adult dry femur as its dimensions are required for designing prosthesis used for total knee replacement. Material and Methods: A set of 75 undamaged adult human femur bones were chosen out of which 46 bones are of right side and 29 that of left side. All the bones that are fully ossified and free from any pathological defects are included. On femur bone, the following parameters were measured: BCW, MCAPD, LCAPD, MCTD, LCTD, ICW. Results: - BCW calculated for right side was 72.78±4.62 and for left side was 74.46±4.67 Average MCAPD was found to be 58.00±3.7for the right side and 60.25±4.2LCAPD was observed to be 58.72±3.52for the right side and 60.07±3.12 for left side. MCTD for the right and left sides were computed to be 32.38±2.93and 30.64±3.15 respectively. LCTD for the right and left sides were found to be 33.12±5.40and 32.64±3.52 respectively. Average ICW for the right and left sides were 22.74±3.26 and 23.46±2.91 respectively. Mean Length of femur on right side was 413.19 mm and on left side was 437.85mm.Conclusion: -This study may help orthopaedicians of the region to plan total knee replacement. It is considered as the gold standard treatment for management of patients with severe osteoarthritis of the kneejoint. This would be beneficial in selecting accurate prosthesis, minimizing the mismatch and reducing the post-operative complications after total knee replacement surgery and in turn making the operation a successful one.