Mongolian gerbil Meroines unguicultus only exists in the central part of Asia, such as the steppes of our country, Russia's Natural Territory, Dauria steppe, north east desert regions of China, steppe, forest steppe, and dryland areas. The rodent is known for favoring to live in areas with sandy soils and has nutritious fruits and leguminous plants.
97.6% of the total territory of Mongolia or 117626.7 thousand hectares are used for grazing purposes and the spread of the Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatusis largely due to pasture degradation. The plants in the forest steppe area havehigh biomass and extensive damage to the crop area can indicate that it is capable of adapting to any ecosystem.In the event of an overwhelming increase in population, it affects people's interests and other living things and becomes "harmful". According to our study, the distribution of Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus is recorded to be active in 19 states of our country. The distribution of Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus, which can be harmful when over-populated in the pastures, hay and crop fields, is dependent on abiotic factors. An area map developed according to abiotic factors.