This article presents the Modulus of Elasticity’s (Initial Tangent (EIT), Tangent (ETM) and Secant Modulus (ESM)) for basalt recycles aggregate concrete. In the experimental work the recycle aggregate is used in place of natural aggregate in the proportion of 0,25,50,75 and 100% with and without incorporation of basalt fibers. The fibers were added to the recycle aggregate concrete at 4% by volume of the cast specimen. The mixes without addition of fibers were taken as reference mixes. Total 30 cubes and 30 cylinders were cast and tested to obtain compressive strength and modulus of elasticity’s for various mixes. The obtained results are compared with IS456-2000 Code provision. Regression models are also deduced to suit the experimental data and also checked its validity. The results found that the strengths are increasing for 25 and 50% RAC and for 75 and 100%RAC are reducing. For basalt fiber incorporation mixes the strengths are increasing for corresponding mixes. The effective replacement for RAC mixes with and without basalt fiber is noticed at 50%.