Today due to the depletion of the renewable energy resources, the use of environment friendly resources are looked forward. Besides this, the non- renewable resources are limited in quantity and cannot provide us the means for energy generation for a longer period of time. So, the paper presents the Modeling of Renewable Energy System that can be used efficiently for meeting the demands in the near future. The Paper also focuses on analyzing the performance of the renewable energy system. The System consists of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) as a means of electricity generation and since the byproduct of this system is only water, it does not result in the production of gases like carbon dioxide which results in the increase of the earth’s temperature known as global warming which finally results in ozone layer depletion and the rising water levels in oceans and seas across the globe. The System uses the Hysteresis Band Current Controller to limit the error current. The decoupling of frames in d-q from α-β is also done to control the error current within the permissible range.