Introduction: Government of India has initiated Measles-Rubellavaccination(MR) campaign to cover 41 crore children for protecting children against vaccine preventable diseases. Despite the availability of vaccine, measles continues to cause of morbidity and mortality in Kerala. Rubella could be devastating for women if they contract infection in pregnancy. Methodology: To increase the acceptance of campaign the medical students were directed to organize a session in the school they studied on the scientific basis and the importance of MR vaccination. The program also aimed to build up the social commitment and soft skills among medical students. Results: 107 schools were visited by 187 medicos covering 15074 students. There were 16 Lower Primary Schools, 32 Upper Primary Schools, 40 High schools, 4 schools having LP and UP sections, 9 schools having UP and Hig h school sections and 6 schools having LP,UP and HS sections. At no places medicos faced opposition for the conduct of the programme. Feed backs were received from 90 schools; 67 (74.4%) opined the sessions were excellent, 85 (94.4%) reported their doubts regarding immunization were clarified satisfactorily and 79 (87.8%) expressed interest for further classes in future on various health topics. Conclusion: This innovative program was aimed to increase the capacity of medical students to manage, collaborate and communicate on matters of social importance. Above all the students were motivated to do such socially relevant programmes in their alma mater in future.