Anaemia is the commonest medical disorder in pregnancy and severe anaemia is associated with poor maternal and perinatal outcome. The study was done to analyse the characteristics of hospitalized pregnant women with severe anaemia (Haemoglobin < 7gms %) at the time of delivery and to find out maternal and perinatal outcome. It was a prospective study done at Rajindra hospital, Patiala, Punjab, India over a period of one year from February 2016 to January 2017. Results were analysed. Out of 3784 deliveries 210 (5.54%) cases were severely anaemic at the time of delivery. Out of 210 women with severe anaemia 184(87.6%) patients belonged to low socioeconomic category, 177 (84.2%) were unbooked cases, 152(72.4%) cases from rural area and 119 (57.6%) cases were multi gravidas. The maternal complications dur were Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia (16.1%), intercurrent infections (3%), abruption placentae (3.3%), heart failure (1.4%), preterm labours (42.8%), intrauterine deaths (10.9%) and postpartum haemorrhage (10.4%). Fetal complications were fetal growth restriction 9.0%, preterm birth 42.8%, fetal distress 10.9%, still birth 10.9%, low birth weight 3.4% and NICU admission 14.7%. Severe anaemia during pregnancy is associated with maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality so effective preventive measures in the form of regular antenatal check-ups and iron supplementation will prevent complications of anaemia in pregnant women