In demography, the study of Nuptiality essentially involves the statistical analysis of marriage variables by period or cohort approach. Religion and caste are the most important cultural factors influencing human behavior. Age at marriage and social views of marriage may be different for different religious groups. This paper will be exploring the various aspects of the Indian caste system and religion and its effects on Nuptiality and its comparison rural areas of Uttarakhand, India.
Highly educated people are assumed to be less influenced by religion and caste than those with less education. The main objective is to determine the pattern and comparison of nuptiality among different castes and religions to discuss the determinants of nuptiality analysis in rural population of Uttarakhand.
This retrospective study was analyzed on the seven cohort systems from1931-40, 1941-50, 1951-60, 1961-70, 1971-80, 1981-90 and 1991-2000 within age groups 17-86 years. The data for this study is collected through the primary collection technique using pre-designed questionnaire.
The data for the study was analyzed through the trend analysis and also forecasted in order to study the pattern of change in nuptiality in the context of religion and caste.