Marine macroalgae like Padina Gymnospora are used in traditional remedies in many parts of the world. In the present study, the extracts of P.gymnospora have been shown to have antibacterial activity in vitro against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The pharmaceutical properties and anti-microbial activities was considered to be an indicator of the capacity of the macro algae to synthesize bioactive secondary metabolites. It have been identified that the macro algae P.gymnospora per 100g contain 5.0g protein, 0..30g fat, 4.2 g fiber, 3.4g Ash, 1.4 mg niacin, 190mg ascorbic acid, 0.7mg Ca, 4.1 mg P, 21mg Na, and 16 mg K . Apart from that the P.gymnospora shows the phyto pharmaceutical compounds such as alkaloids, flavanoids, tannis, terpanoids and phenolic compounds. They have known to show medicinal activity as well as exhibiting antibacterial activity.