The mandibular nerve is one of the 3 branches of the Trigeminal Nerve. It has both sensory and motor strands. It rises from the foramen ovale and gives rise to the buccal and lingual nerves and slips down further to give rise to the nerve to the mylohyoid and the inferior alveolar nerve. This can be the ordinary anatomical course of the mandibular nerve, but there are different peculiarities and contrasts within the course of the nerve, to be specific, bifid canals, presence of coronoid foramen, irregular number of mental foramina, etc. These peculiarities cause different iatrogenic complications amid surgical strategies. Hence, we should in this article dig into a few of the common inconsistencies of mandibular nerves This survey article aims to alleviate the different morphological inconsistencies of the mandibular canal through reviewing already published literature.