Introduction: Stress is usually an occurrence of anxiety and nervous tension sensed by a person. A situation of Stress arises when there is an undesired and unexpected demand from a person and he is supposed to react and adjust according to the nature of demand. Stress however should not necessarily be considered as a negative term as a reasonable amount of Stress is always required for an individual to perform better but it should not take a toll on the person’s mind or body. Hence, this study inquires about the various symptoms of Stress which are experienced by the Police Personnel posted in different police stations of Jaipur City. It is quite important to identify these symptoms as working with such an organization is reasonably exhaustive mostly due to the nature of work which a policeman is expected to perform at various intervals of time.
Method: In order to carry out this study few objectives were formulated and to achieve these objectives, a questionnaire was prepared and was distributed among the policemen. A total of 103 responses were taken into consideration and the data gathered through them was evaluated to obtain necessary results. The formulated hypothesis for this research was tested by applying ANOVA Test with the help of IBM SPSS v16 Software.
Results: It was examined that the work experience of a policeman does not makes any significant difference when it comes to experiencing the trauma caused by Stress. However, symptoms such as Lack of Confidence and Anxiety possess a considerable relation with the work experience of an employee as a positive relation was observed between both of them. Higher the level of work experience of an employee, the better would be the confidence level and that would reduce the level of anxiety.