Management of an impacted maxillary central incisor in a patient with a compound odontome. - a case report

Shamira Naik, Shivaprakash P.K and Hina Noorani

Maxillary permanent incisor impaction is not a frequent case in dental practice, but its treatment is challenging because of its importance to facial esthetics. In this reported case, the orthopantamogram of a 13‑year‑old girl revealed a compound odontome in the maxillary anterior region, which was interfering with the eruption of the permanent central incisor. Odontomas are hamartomas of aborted tooth formation. They come under the classification of benign calcified odontogenic tumors. These odontogenic tumors are composed of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp tissue. They commonly occur in permanent dentition. Sometimes these tumors are associated with delayed tooth eruption, impaction, or primary tooth retention. The compound odontome was surgically removed, the impacted maxillary central incisor was repositioned in the arch by orthodontic force as it was situated very high in the arch, close to the nasal floor and alignment was achieved with 0.014 mm NiTi wire.

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