Introduction: Dengue an important mosquito-borne, fatal flaviviral disease, seemingly increasing as a world health problem. Siddha an ancient Traditional system of India, practiced mostly in TamilNadu has its uniqueness for treating various diseases. Nilavembu Kudineer has the potential for Preventing and managing Dengue virus infection. The Health Department of Tamilnadu distributed Nilavembu Kudineer to Public during Dengue outbreaks.
Aim and Objective: The aim of the study is to investigate the outcome of dengue virus infection in patients, platelet count on administration of Siddha herbal formulation (Nilavembu kudineer).
Material and Methods: This was a prospective descriptive study conducted in inpatients admitted at Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital, Chennai, with suspected dengue fever during 23.02.2018 to 04.03.2018. Case series was conducted by the Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai, in collaboration with MMC Hospital. Clinically and serologically confirmed 37 cases of dengue fever who were willing to participate in the study were included. The phytochemical analysis of Nilavembu Kudineer was done.
Result: The outcome results suggest that administration of Nilavembu kudineer has satisfactory improvement in symptoms for dengue positive cases. The p value < .01 showed significant increase in platelet count due to the intake of Nilavembu Kudineer in patients. The phytochemical screening of Nilavembu kudineer showed positive result for all metabolites.
Conclusion: To combat the viral infections causing fever including dengue, Nilavembu kudineer can be used as a prophylactic measure to the public due to its antiviral properties.