In present paper, discussed with the cloud computing requirements for access control, migration, security, data availability, trust issues and sensitive information. Cloud computing is emerging technology which is a new standard of large scale distributed computing and parallel computing. It provides shared resources, information, software packages and other resources as per client requirements at specific time. As cloud computing is growing rapidly and more users are attracted towards utility computing, better and fast service needs to be provided. One of the challenging scheduling problems in Cloud datacenters is to take the allocation and migration of reconfigurable virtual machines into consideration as well as the integrated features of hosting physical machines.
In order to select the virtual nodes for executing the task, Load balancing is a methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers, or other resources over the network links to achieve optimal resource utilization, minimum data processing time, minimum average response time, and avoid overload. The objective of this paper to propose efficient and enhanced scheduling algorithm that can maintain the load balancing and provides better improved strategies through efficient job scheduling and modified resource allocation techniques. Load balancing ensures that all the processors in the system as well as in the network do approximately the equal amount of work at any instant of time. The results discussed in this paper, based on existing Equally Spread Current Execution, Round Robin, Throttled and a new proposed enhanced and efficient scheduling algorithms.