Link adaptation for mobile satellite networks

Kurinjimalar R and Vaideeswaran J

Mobile satellite performs its tasks under adverse channel working and propagation conditions over a long distance. To manage the critical changes occurring in the channel environment, middleware based mobile agent is proposed for the network to get adopted and provide the required quality of service. Resilient propagation parameter sensors along with the channel performance indicator are arranged by programming a suitable middleware built in a mobile agent. The up linking and down linking transmitters will query the agent for link adaptation to perform its operation for better QoS. The agent middleware relieves the burden of channel state sensing at ground and satellite stations. A detailed presentation explaining the system architecture along with the middleware to collaborate with ground and satellite system is provided. The channel impairments considered in this work are propagation attenuation, fading, noise and interference. Along with the sensors, dedicated micro computing facilities are also arranged in the middleware. The operating system available at appropriate range also is presented in detail. Simulation of the method developed establishes that better quality of service can be achieved in terms of throughput and BER. It is also established that the collaboration of the agent with channel down linking resulted in the improvement of life time of the satellite system with optimal utilization of the network.

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