Old age is the final stage of the life cycle of every individual, where the quality of life is influenced by factors such as: social relationships, economy, context, health, etc. Due to the increase in this sector of the population, it is appropriate that the Nursing staff is prepared for their needs to provide efficient services that contribute to improving their quality of life. Objective: To determine the quality of life of elderly people in day care centers, through the application of the “FUMAT” Scale, to contribute to the enrichment of gerontological knowledge. Material and method: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study, in which 249 elderly people selected with non-probabilistic convenience sampling participated, to whom sociodemographic identification and the FUMAT scale were applied, which assesses: emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships, material well-being, development personal, physical well-being, self-determination, social inclusion and rights. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics using SPSS software version 24 and Excel 2010. Results: 56.6% correspond to the female sex and 43.4% to the male. Average age of 70.51 years, the marital status with a predominance of 49.8% is married, as a maximum educational level reached 37.8% in primary school, 26.5% are active in employment. Of the total population, 2% have a poor quality of life, 55.6% in men and 50.4% of women have a good quality of life. Conclusions: In the analysis of the subscales, it indicated the presence of dominant spheres such as self-realization, personal development and rights, reflecting an adequate level of autonomy, cognitive and social skills for integration into society with dignity and respect. In addition to a low perception of material well-being, for which it is suggested to expand the research in this area to determine their needs, and later develop strategies that allow improving the quality of life of this population.