The studies explore the specificity of the function of hearing loss pupils. The main purpose of presented research is focused on the stress and coping with the stress of students with profound hearing loss. There were three specyfic goals of the study: definition of level of the stress, identification styles using in coping with the stress, revealing correlation between stress levels and styles of coping stress.
The study was conducted on a sample of 76 students, aged 16 - 24, 29 females, 47 males. For diagnostic purposes the standardized psychological' research tools were used: CISS-Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations and PSS-10 - The Perceived Stress Scale, both in Polish adaptation. An indispensable part of conducting research was usage of prepared films with explanations for questionnaires in Polish Sign Language. For analysis results of research descriptive statistics and non - parametric tests: U- Mann Whitney and ANOVA H -by Kruskal-Wallis as well as analyse of regression were used.
The results of the research indicate, that level of the stress is indifferent. There is no connection between level of stress and gender. The most frequently chosen style for coping with the stress in the sample is avoidance. The least frequent apply style is: concentrating on the task. There are some different between men and women is styles of coping stress. There is statistical significant correlation between level of the stress and style of coping witch the stress focused on emotions and task. The results indicate that schoolage pupils with serious hearing impairment have a group-specific styles to deal with stress, simultaneously there is some connection between increasing of level of the stress and intensification of using style concentrated on emotions in coping with the stress and decrease in the orientation of the stress-fighting style to the task.