First aid is immediate care, which can be given to an injured person to stabilize their health status. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about first aid of unintentional injuries in students of Nursing no.1 of the UAGro. Methodology The design was quantitative, not experimental, transversal and descriptive, a self-applied survey was used with 18 items in a sample of 92 students, the data obtained were analyzed in the statistical program SPSS version 22. Results: more than half of the students have a regular level of knowledge (54.3%), only 32.6% know the correct definition of first aid, 33.7% have not participated in drills for the care of injuries, only 33.7% would act In the correct way to a burn, most identify a cardiorespiratory arrest and perform the appropriate techniques in 87%, in case of hemorrhage 69.6% would use an adequate method to stop it, and 72.8% would properly immobilize a fracture. Conclusion: First aid training in nursing students should have priority during their training, as it would help them to provide adequate care in the presence of an unintentional injury. Bibliographic references: Muñoz R D. Uso de guías didácticas en el Taller de Primeros Auxilios para Enfermería. Rev. Enfermería Actual en Costa Rica. [Internet]. 2011 feb [citado 18 nov 2017]; 20. Disponible en: http://www.redalyc.org/html/448/44821178003/, Villar A. M. Nivel de conocimiento de primeros auxilios relacionado a traumatismo encéfalo craneano por accidente de tránsito en los estudiantes y docentes de la FAEN-UNJBG. Tacna, Perú. [Internet]. 2011 [citado 18 de noviembre 2017]. Recuperado a partir de: http://repositorio.unjbg.edu.pe/ bitstream/handle/UNJBG/216/TG0066.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y, Mathews D. J., Pinedo V. M., Zavaleta M. P., Gutiérrez C. J. Conocimiento y actitudes hacia accidentes ocupacionales biológicos en estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía, Peruana. [Internet]. 2012 [Citado 18 de noviembre 2017]. Recuperado a partir de: http://revistas.unapiquitos.edu.pe/index.php/Conocimientoamazonico/artic... 88/174Canales M, Palomino S, y Peña G. Nivel de conocimientos de primeros auxilios en estudiantes de la institución educativa “Josefina Mejía De Bocanegra”. Nazca 2012. Rev.enferm. vanguard. 2014; 2(2): 161-167.