The whole educational system from elementary to tertiary level has been collapsed during the lockdown period of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) not only in India but across the globe. This is a portrayal of teaching-learning modes adopted by over India for the teaching-learning process and subsequent semester examinations. It looks forward to an intellectually enriched opportunity for further academic decision-making during any adversity. The intended purpose of this paper seeks to address the required essentialities of online teaching-learning in Education amid the COVID-19 pandemic and how can existing resources of educational institutions effectively transform formal education into online education with the help of virtual classes and other pivotal online tools in this continually shifting educational landscape. The paper employs both quantitative and qualitative approaches to the perceptions of learners on online teaching-learning modes and also highlighted the implementation process of online teaching-learning modes. The objective of the study was to study the learner perception of the effectiveness of online teaching during covid-19. The findings of the study were However, most learners also reported that online classes could be more challenging than traditional classrooms because of the technological constraints, delayed feedback and inability of the instructor to handle effectively the Information and Communication Technologies.