Background: Abrasion is a process of wear whereby a hard rough surface like sand paper disk or hard irregular shaped particles plough grooves in a softer material and cause materials from these grooves to be removed from the surface. The abrasive materials used in dentistry are commonly known as dental abrasives and polishing agents. Aim: To know the knowledge, awareness and practice of tooth polishing agents among dentalpractitioners. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted among 100 dental practitioners with a questionnaire consisting of 10 closed ended questions and the answers were analyzed and tabulated. Result and Conclusion: On analyzing the results obtained from the present study it is clear that there is not enough awareness among dental practitioners about tooth polishing agents, even though many participants were aware of polishing agents they do not have a complete knowledge about it, and further research needs to be initiated in this field and awareness must be created among dental practitioners through conducting various seminars and lectures and CME programs