Background: Cardiovascular disease is most common in elderly patients nowadays. Due to this patients taking anticoagulants have been increased. The side effect of this anticoagulant is that they prolong bleeding time after surgeries which may cause complications. Some studies suggests to stop anticoagulants before the surgeries to prevent potential bleeding but stopping warfarin before major surgeries might cause consequences.
Aim and Objective: To asses the knowledge attitude and practice amongst dental practitioner regarding management of patients undergoing anticoagulant therapy.
Materials and Methods: A self administered questionnaire was distributed among the dentists to asses their knowledge attitude and practice regarding anticoagulant dental treatment.
Results: A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed and were return complete. The most recommended anticoagulant by the dentists was aspirin (76 %) followed by warfarin (22%). According to most of the dentists discontinuation of anticoagulants differ with dental procedure.
Conclusion: This findings showed that dentists hadknowledge about the anticoagulant therapy. Further, educational program should be conducted to improve dentists knowledge and attitude on management of anticoagulant therapy.