Aim: To find the knowledge ,attitude and practice of oral hygiene habits among patients with dental implants in Chennai.
Background: A dental implant (also known as an endosseous implant or fixture) is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor.In the modern soceity,implants have become more popular and convenient for better aesthetics. Inorder to have a successful implant proper oral hygiene and practices must be followed.Proper instructions should be given by the dentist and must be followed by the patient without fail.Proper heeding to oral hygiene practices helps to prolong the life of implants
Materials and method: A self formulated questionnaire was distributed to hundred out patients from Saveetha Dental College who have dental implants.The data collected was then analysed to produce graphs and pie charts .
Result: From the data obtained,it is found that 100% of the implant patients have had advice on oral hygiene habits from their dentists and 53% use mouthwash regularly while only 8% floss their teeth.63% use soft type of brushes and 64% brush for more than 2 mins.74% visit their dentists regularly for check ups.
Conclusion: From the study, we can conclude that knowledge about oral hygiene awareness is adequate among the patients but the practice on oral hygiene habits were found to be moderate. Therefore, more education on oral hygiene habits must be made clear and should make sure the patient follows the practice for increasing the life of the implant