Objective: To determine the association between knowledge and intent for condom use in high school students. Methodology: This research is a relational analytical type with a transversal sequence, since the relationship of two variables is compared and it is intended to test hypotheses about these variables, it is considered transversal because it studies the variables simultaneously at a certain moment, making a cut in time (Canales, 2008). The association between the knowledge that the students of a public secondary school and the intention for the use of the condom is identified. The sample was selected at convenience according to the students who had signed the informed consent by their parents and their respective consent, since most are minors. The total sample was 267 students. Results: according to the level of knowledge only 65 (24.3%) of the students have a high level, 129 (48.3%) medium and 73 (27.3%) level which puts them at higher risk, according to the level of protection, 121 (45.3%) have a low level of protection, 28 (10.5%) medium and 118 (44.2) have a high level of protection. Conclusions: Dissociation was detected between the knowledge and the intention of risk since 24.3% of the students presented high level of knowledge and of these, 11.2% presented high level of risk intention, in the same way 48.3% reported average knowledge of these, 19.1 % have a high level of risk intention. Of those with a high level of knowledge of 24.3%, they also have a low level of protection intention of 9.4%. 48.3% have medium knowledge, of these, 22.5% have a low level of protection. Conclusions: Dissociation was detected between the knowledge and the intention of risk since 24.3% of the students presented high level of knowledge and of these, 11.2% presented high level of risk intention, in the same way 48.3% reported average knowledge of these, 19.1 % have a high level of risk intention. Of those with a high level of knowledge of 24.3%, they also have a low level of protection intention of 9.4%. 48.3% have medium knowledge, of these, 22.5% have a low level of protection.
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