Background: Stem cells research, methods of harvesting, controversies and utilisation of stem cells has been explored worldwide for the enhancement of health in medicine and dentistry. Nevertheless, currently there is still need of understanding of the stem cell knowledge and attitude among dentists. The aim of this study was to investigate the awareness, knowledge and attitude toward stem cell application and its association with the level of education.
Methods: This observational, cross sectional study (n=80) was conducted using self administered questionnaire that consisted of demographic information, stem cell knowledge and attitude statements. Data was analysed using Statistical Package Social Software (SPSS) version 20.
Results: Among 80 dentists 76 (95%) of dentists returned the filled self administered form while 5% did not participated. Majority of participants were in the age group of 25-35 years, females, possessed a basic graduate qualification and had practised more than 2 years. In this study, 47(61%) reported awareness related to stem cells use in dentistry which was significantly associated with the qualification. And most of the respondants had low 19 (25%) to moderate 24(31.5%) regarding the use of stem cells. About more than half of the respondants exhibited positive attitude towards stem cells utilisation. Poor correlation between knowledge and attitude (r=0.04) indicated non-significant relation between knowledge and attitude.
Conclusion: From this study data depicted high level of awareness, poor knowledge and positive attitude among dentists. Consequently, it suggests that several educational programs for stem cells should be executed to encourage more positive knowledge and attitude which can facilitate dentists to incorporate it in their practices.