Introduction: Infection control procedures are essential to modern dentistry and have an impact on all clinical practices. There is a lack of evidence linking endodontic treatment with the transmission of disease.
With the whole world looking at the eradication of existing infectious diseases and preventing any new infections, sterilization of instruments is significant to ensure optimal patient care. Infection preventions and controls are the most important components for providing a safe environment for patients and staff within a dental practice. The goal of sterilization is to protect patients and health care workers by preventing cross contamination from instruments. The process involves a series of sequential steps aimed at Removing and Killing Microbes on Contaminated instruments and Maintaining those instruments in an aseptic state until they are reused.
Aim and objective: The aim of study was to assess the knowledge and attitude of post graduate students of department of conservative dentistry and endodontics towards sterilisation of endodontics instruments in dakshinakannada district colleges of Karnataka which include 5 dental colleges.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in the geographic area of dakshinkannada. Study was conducted among 5 dental colleges (present on the day of survey) 62 Post graduate students (I, II, and III year) from Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics in dakshinkannada district dental colleges were included in the study.
Conclusion: The knowledge among the post graduate Endodontist regarding sterilisation of endodontic instrument was found fair and adequate. Also in current available resources of sterilisation cleaning and sterilisation its time consuming process.