Background: The survey was done in 40 Pediatricians of Kanpur city, members of Indian Medical Council to know there knowledge and involvement in maintenance of oral health in children.
Aims: The study was carried out amongst 40 Pediatricians of Kanpur city to find the knowledge, approach regarding oral health of children and to determine their willingness to incorporate oral health education in children and parents.
Design: A simple questionnaire form was made to be filled by the pediatricians and the results have been tabulated based on their response.
Results: The survey included 40 Pediatricians of Kanpur, having a good clinical practice and a good amount of children visiting them for treatment. The results were calculated using the Chi Square Statistical Analysis, which gave a value of P < 0.05, which was a Highly Significant Value.
Only 7.5 % of the pediatricians had the required knowledge and approach for Pediatric dentistry and showed a positive approach towards in the maintenance and guidance for a good oral health for children.
Conclusion: The knowledge and involvement of the pediatrician in maintenance and guidance for a good oral health for children was found to be weak in majority of Pediatricians and that only a few had a positive approach towards Pediatric dentistry and referrals to a Pedodontists. Hence there is an urgent requirement of collaboration between the Pedodontists and Pediatricians, in order to build up mutual understanding and interests amongst each other, so as to impart the best that can be done for the children of our society in regards of dental as well as general health.