Introduction: Hand washing is the most important preventative measure for the reduction of contagious disease. Although hand washing is easy to perform, non-adherence is a ubiquitous problem. Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of multi-component intervention packages to improve hand washing among employees; however, interventions are limited to acute settings, are often implemented for a short period of time, and rarely, if ever, include information on long-term effectiveness.
1-To assess the knowledge and practice of “HAND WASHING”.
2-To assess the knowledge about the advantages of “HAND WASHING”.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted among 350 school going children of 6th-10th standard in School and the study design is QUASI EXPERIMENTAL STUDY.
Result: After health education given about 94.2% students got aware about the diseases caused due to improper hand washing. Before health education only 2.85% students knew about the steps of Hand washing but after giving health education 97.14% students got to know about it. After health education session 99% students agreed that by doing proper Hand washing & drying many diseases can be prevented.