Background: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) in developing countries is a major health problem. Maternal risk factors play a huge role in causing IUGR, many of which are preventable or modifiable.
Aim: To find out the risk factors and outcomes of IUGR infants in pregnant women coming for delivery in a developing country.
Method: A cross sectional observational study was conducted at the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chalmeda Anand Rao Medical College and hospital. IUGR was diagnosed clinically by a lag of 4 weeks between actual gestational age and uterine fundal height. Total of 62 pregnant women with IUGR coming for delivery were included. Information regarding occupation, gestational age, maternal risk factors, mode of delivery and neonatal outcome were recorded on predesigned proforma. Mothers were followed up till delivery and neonates were followed up till discharge or death.
Results: Out of 62 clinically diagnosed pregnancies with IUGR, Doppler studies were abnormal in 3.17 % cases, NST test being nonreactive in 9.52% cases 9.52% cases were delivered preterm due to various reasons, 4.76%of intrauterine of intrauterine growth restriction was seen in postdated pregnancy 34.92% cases had babies with b.wt 2kg and below at birth Nearly 50.79% cases have been delivered by LSCS for various indications like abnormal doppler /non stress test, preeclampsia and failed induction 1.5% cases had poor Apgar,14.28% cases had meconium stained liquor but 98.41% had good Apgar
Conclusion: Early diagnosis with serial clinical and ultrasound examinations, timely hospitalization, active management, antepartum fetal surveillance with non stress test and fetal doppler can allow expectant managment of expected pregnancies.