Background and Objective: As prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing so are its complications. This research was done in our tertiary care centre to study the aerobic bacterial profile of diabetic foot ulcer and their resistant pattern focusing on Carbapenemase producers. Material and Methods: Sample from 50 patients were processed for determining aerobic bacterial profile phenotypically followed by E- Test and Modified Hodge test. PCR was done to find incidence of blakpc and blaNDM. Results: 45 pathogenic aerobic bacteria were isolated. Gram positives were 10(22.2%) and Gram negative were 35 (77.7%). The Carbapenem resistant organisms confirmed by E-Test - 2(0.04%) were Modified Hodge test positive. PCR was done for these two isolates to detect the genes specified. Conclusion: Apart from empirical treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics; culture and sensitivity tests with rationale surgical procedures to prevent further spread of infection and amputations is suggested to be mandatory owing to the increasing antibiotic resistance.