Background and Objective:Description and conceptual recognition of psychiatric disorders have always been a difficult task as exact pathophysiology of psychiatricdisorders is still not known perfectly. InIslamic Golden Era (between 9th and 12th centuries) scholars of medicine did extensive research and documented their observations. Various classical books and encyclopaedias of that era are evident in that regard. ZakhiraKhwarizamShahiis one of them written by IsmailJurjani also has description of diseases of the brain in it. The main aim of this paper is to highlight Ismail Jurjani’s work regarding pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders.
Materials and methods: Zakhira Khwarizam Shahiwas the main source of this study. Other sources were Al Qanoon Fit Tibb, various online and offline journals, proceedings etc. related to life and works of Ismail Jurjani. Relevant literature collected then analysed and explained in a comprehensive manner.
Observation and Conclusion: Jurjani gave a description of psychiatric disorder under the diseases of the brain which he classified into five types. His description of General Pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders is based on the role of abnormal black bile and abnormal psychic pneuma. After going through his work related to neuro-anatomy and disorders of the brain, his expertise in medicine can be best understood.