Islam nusantara and world peace a concept of struggle nahdlatul ulama in indonesia

Abdul Mu’id H

Popularity of Islamic thought in indonesia (nusantara) initiated by prof. Dr.KH.S`aid Agil Siraj, MA is grounding of Islam Rahmatal lil alamin because Allah SWT send Prophet Muhammad SAW to organize the life of the people throughout the world in peaceful ways, and not through violence. This thought is in line with the thought of Wali Songo, especially the concept offered by Sunan Kalijaga in his Da'wah. When Sunan Kali Jaga implemented and offered the Concept of goodness, he used Perwaayangan Art. He invited people cultural approach. Therefore, Islam flourished in this beloved country through a very elegant, polite, non-coercive and punching approach, without mocking and abusing and hating. That there is mutual searching and loving, embracing and appreciating each other. Therefore, love of peace and full of wisdom brings blessings throughout the universe and the world. Then, Islam Nusantara Ala Ahlusunnah Waljamaah bring blessings for the ummah in general. If we speak of Islam Nusantara, then what is meant by Islam Nusantara Ala Ahlusunnah waljaah is that we see reality in real life economically. Wali songo who has died centuries are able to move the economy, not only to NU community but also to bless the whole society who live around the Cemetery whether Chinese, Arabs and others.Those are the power of God who gives privilege to the person he loves, so that the other also get the benefits. (Thought Dr.H.Abdul Mu'id, M.Pd.I),( Bhs.Inggris).

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