Isis: “a religion of warriors” (weber)

Jan-Erik Lane

Islamic terrorism against Westerners, Shias, religious minorities in the Middle East could not have occurred on the present scale, if it did not have legitimation among radical fundamentalism. To understand the major changes in Islamic political thought and Koranic religion, one must go to the three men who reinterpreted Islam along radical new fundamentalism, namely Mawdudi (islamisation) (India-Pakistan), Qutb (caliphate) and Faraj (jihad) (Egypt).Their books and pamphlets are studied all over the Koranic civilisation, which is much larger than Arabia. The three inspired Ben Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri (Al Qaeda) as well as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (ISIL) and Abu Bakr_al-Baghdad (ISIS).

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