Investigation of impact of air pollutants on chlorophyll contents of some medicinal plants around industrial belt of amravati (m.s).india

More K.C., Gawande. P.A, Manik V. S and Likhar N.D

The present findings has been undertaken to explore the impact of air pollutants on chlorophyll contents of some medicinal plants species around industrial belt of Amravati city. The four different plant species were selected from industrial belt area namely Azardirachta indica, Polyalthia longifolia, Ficus benghalensis and Datura stramonium. The higher chlorophyll-a content of controlled area were observed in leaves of Ficus benghalensis and it was found to be 1.980 mg/ 0.1g tissue, whereas, in leaves of Ficus benghalensis belonging to industrial belt area shows reduction in chlorophyll contents i.e. 1.370mg/0.1g tissue. The chlorophyll contents among all plant under studies were found to be reduced in industrial belt area as Compared to controlled area. The reduction in chlorophyll content has been used as an indicator of air pollution due to its sensitivity towards air pollutants. Exposure to particulate deposition may alter plant growth and its physiology without physical damage to the plants.

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