Implementation of institutional synergy PNPM-MP by the government, the city of Semarang put poverty alleviation as the main priority of development policy-based on empowerment. But the data in Semarang poverty show that poverty target not in line with the facts, ie the quantitative results obtained verification Bappeda Semarang poverty rate rose by 0.86%. The problem in this study were: 1). In what Institutional Synergy of implementation of PNPM- MP In Semarang on poverty reduction? 2). What aspects of the enabling and constraining institutional synergy implementation of PNPM-MP in Semarang?, 3). How the proposed model of institutional synergy PNPM-MP in Semarang in poverty reduction?. While the purpose of this study is: 1). descripting, analysising and interpretating institutional synergy implementation of PNPM-MP in Semarang on poverty reduction, 2). descripting, analysising and interpretating aspects of the enabling and constraining institutional synergy implementation of PNPM-MP in Semarang on poverty reduction. 3). Formulating proposed institutional synergy model of PNPM-MP in Semarang on poverty reduction. This study result shows: the implementation of PNPM-MP institutional synergy in Semarang city is not optimal, especially not synergic integration programs (synchronization, execution and synergies between actors), institutional programs, coordination among programs, partnerships and institutional cooperation (government, business, community), because of factors of institutional coordination, policy and budgeting, human resources as the driving and inhibiting factors in poverty reduction. Recommendations based on these results is, to build a model of institutional synergy PNPM-MP by giving more authority to the role of the Community Self- reliance (BKM) at the base level in the development of the Tri-Power in synergy with various stakeholders and coordinated by the Regional Poverty Reduction Coordination Team (TKPK-D)