The concept of culture is borrowed from the field of Anthropology. Sociologists, Anthropologists and Behavioural scientists have extensively used the term culture that stands for symbols and values. Culture facilitates a harmonious and balanced cultivation of all the faculties in man - intellect, emotion, intuition, sense and perception. Current study and Research paper based on a Multi-National Company located across South India -The Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private limited which is a 100% subsidiary to the Coca-Cola Company. Since the undertaking chosen as the universe is a beverage process and sales organization. Size of the sample has been worked out to be 628. Out of which, 36 respondents are from the category of Managers followed by 238 respondents hailing from the category of Staff and 354 respondents representing the Workmen category. Various methods are adopted for investigation of the different aspects relating to the sample. Primary and secondary data form the basis for this. The reliability of the schedule has been established through test – retest method. The interval between test-retest was two months.