Objective: To determine the effects of customized video games bates exercise on postural instability caused by altered vision in computer vision syndrome.
Method: Total 60 patients between ages 18-40, both males and females having C.V.S-Q score more than > 6 were randomly allocated to Group A, Group B, Group C respectively. Pre-test readings were taken for average deviation of antero-posterior Sway(A.P) and Latero-lateral sway on force Platform win-track medicapteurs. Computer vision questionnaire (during inclusion criteria) was measured to check for level of severity of symptoms in computer vision syndrome. Group A received Customized video games along with ergonomics advice, Group B received Bates exercises along with ergonomics advice, and Group C received ergonomics advice alone. Intervention was given three times in a day for 4 weeks.
Result: There was a statistical significant difference of pre-post reading of antero-posterior sway as well as Latero-lateral sway(Eyes open and eyes close) in both Group A and Group B(within group) and for Group C there was a statistical significant difference of pre-post reading only for latero-lateral eyes close , however there was no statistical significant difference of pre post reading for antero-posterior(Eye open and close) as well as Latero-lateral sway( eyes open).Between the Groups there was a statistical difference of post -test reading of Antero-posterior sway and Latero-lateral sway(Eyes open and eyes close) between Group A and C and Group B and C. There was no statistical difference of post -test readings of A.P and L.L sway between Group A and Group B, but there is statistical significant difference of post- test readings of C.V.S-Q between Group Aand B, thereby indicating Group B more effective in all parameters from Group A.
Discussion - Customized video games and bates exercise along with ergonomics both arebeneficialin improving postural instability due to altered vision and musculoskeletal disorders incomputer vision syndrome.