This dissertation work deals with the potential use of using Pond ash and Iron slag as the partial replacement of sand in plastered mortar. Pond ash is rarely used due its pozzolonic reaction may be used as a fine aggregate in a mortar mix used for plastering purpose. Then iron slag and pond ash is improves the quality of plastered surface inn terms of strength and durability. When the pond ash and iron slag was used 20% replacement of sand to make mortar mix, produced higher percentages compressive strength as well as a higher development rate than those tradition cement-sand mortar mix. As a result of compressive strengths, it was concluded that pond ash could be used as a good replacement material in mortar. It is proposed to perform some field and laboratory experiments in different mix proportions of pond ash and plaster sand and compare with normal mortar. Due to the pond ash replacement, the initial strength gaining process is quite slow but in later stages it gains very good strength as compare to the normal mortar mixes.