Cyst is defined aspathological cavity having fluid , semifluid or gaseous contents and which is not created by accumulation of pus .The Dentigerous cyst initially is always associated with the crown of an impacted, embedded, or unerupted tooth.It develops around the crown of anunerupted tooth by the expansion of the follicle when fluid collects between the reduced enamel epithelium. Such cyst remain initially completely asymptomatic unless when infected and can be discovered only on routine radiographic examination. It accounts more than 24%of jaw cysts, usually develops around crown of mandibular third molar, maxillary canine, followed by mandibular premolars, rarely involve supernumerary teeth and central incisors .A case of cyst in a 23 year old female, which developed around an impacted rightmaxillary third molar tooth in the maxillary sinus. Incisional biopsy revealed as Infected dentigerous cyst. Enucleation of cyst under General Anasthesia. Maxillary dentigerous cyst