Aims: To focus through a related literature research and the authors’ personal experience on the issue of gastrointestinal and abdominal compartment syndrome complications after cardiac surgery and Cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB).
Method: our experiences in general surgery, thoracic surgery, cardiac surgery, trauma surgery, anaesthesiology, intensive care unit and 104 articles review
Background: Most commonly, compartment syndrome involves the extremities; tissue edema below the fascial layer causes ischemia and eventual muscle necrosis. For the last 20 years, there has been more awareness among surgeons and intensivists of Abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) being a distinct disease entity, but still widespread ignorance prevails. ACS can be acute, chronic and acute on chronic. Initial diagnosis is clinical, confirmed by measurement of IAP. ACS is a systemic syndrome involving derangement in cardiovascular haemodynamic, respiratory and renal functions because of sustained increase in (IAP) ending in multi-organ failure. It is a life-threatening emergency and requires prompt action and treatment. ACS occurs whenever increasing pressure within a confined anatomic space undermines the normal cellular functions of the tissues contained within that space.
Conclusion: ACS should be suspected in all critically ill patients, particularly those on ventilatory support in intensive care units who are haemodynamically not improving despite adequate resuscitation.Patients with long-time cardiopulmonary bypass with postoperative heart failure , with high dose of catecholamine are under high risk ACS. Decompressive laparotomy is the mainstay of treatment if the patient is to be saved from multiorgan failure and death despite which mortality is high.