Introduction: A Canal Wall down Mastoidectomy is an effective technique for eradication of advanced Chronic otitis media or Cholesteatoma. Thus, we aimed to find out the incidence and factors causing cavity problems after Canal wall down mastoidectomy.
Material Methods: A total of 46 patients who had undergone Modified Radical Mastoidectomy or Rradical mastoidectomy were included for analysis. Detailed history of patients was taken including details of previous mastoid operation and their complaints related to mastoid cavity. Mean Air Bone Gap (ABG) was calculated pre-operatively and 6 months postoperatively. Patients presenting problems related to the mastoid cavity were clinically examined and the findings were confirmed. Statistical analyses was performed and level of significance was set at p<0.05.
Results: Persistent otorrhoea was the commonest symptom. The most common cause for cavity problems was residual tympanic membrane perforation with exposed middle ear mucosa followed by High Facial ridge. No role for systemic antibiotics in patients with cavity problems with underlying granulations was found. Granulations were commonly seen in Mastoid cavity followed by area of Sinodural angle.
Conclusion: A thorough and meticulous surgical approach to canal wall down mastoidectomy gave high percentage of dry ear and better hearing outcomes.