An experiment was conducted in the Department of Horticulture, Khalsa College, Amritsar during 2016-2017 to study the effect of various mulches on quality of strawberry cv. Chandler. The runners of strawberry cv. Chandler were planted in the second fortnight of October with a spacing of 45 × 30 cm. The investigation was laid out in RBD with seven treatment combinations viz.T1 (Black polyethylene), T2(Silver polyethylene),T3 (Sugarcane trash),T4(Paddy straw), T5(Grass),T6 (Saw dust) and T7 (Control). The treatments were replicated thrice. Results of the study showed that black polyethylene mulch was the remarkable treatment for physico-chemical properties of the fruits with maximum fruit weight (12.63g), fruit length (4.93cm), fruit breadth (3.83cm), TSS (9.60 %), TSS:acid ratio (14.61), reducing sugars (4.76 %), total sugars (7.27 %), ascorbic acid (61.23 mg/100g) and minimum acidity (0.65 %) respectively. Hence application of black polyethylene mulch improved the quality of strawberry fruits.